Stories and Smoothies

St Barnabas Christian Preschool 8901 Cary Algonquin Rd, Cary, IL, United States

Stories will be read to the preschool classes while a nutritionist from Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital makes us healthy smoothies! We’ll read from 10-11:15 and 12:30-1:00.

Farewell Fiesta

Join us as we wrap up the school year with Tropical Chill food truck!

Orientation & Meet the Teachers

St Barnabas Christian Preschool 8901 Cary Algonquin Rd, Cary, IL, United States

Come meet the teachers at St. Barnabas Christian Preschool.

First Days of School

St Barnabas Christian Preschool 8901 Cary Algonquin Rd, Cary, IL, United States

Depending on your child's class schedule the 6th or 7th will be their first day of school!

Sled with Me

Join us for sledding on Saturday morning (weather permitting)! We'll be out from 9am-11am making the most of the winter weather.

Open House

St Barnabas Christian Preschool 8901 Cary Algonquin Rd, Cary, IL, United States

Open House at the Preschool will be September 26th.

Breakfast with Santa

St Barnabas Christian Preschool 8901 Cary Algonquin Rd, Cary, IL, United States

You better watch out, you better not pout, because Santa Claus is coming to breakfast!

Tropical Trivia Night

Cary Country Club 2400 Grove Lane, Cary, IL, United States

Our annual fundraiser will be on Saturday, April 5th at the Cary Country Club! We're having a Tropical Trivia Night. Try your smarts and enjoy appetizers, dinner, and a cash […]